Best practices to avoid ending up in SPAM

Best practices to avoid ending up in SPAM

Avoiding your emails landing in the Spam folder is a challenge for many companies. Although many factors contribute to this, here are some of the best practices to prevent it.

Newsletter Managers to bypass Spam

When sending bulk emails, using a Newsletter Manager is recommended. If you host with us, remember that you can activate our Newsletter User feature. This is a newsletter manager which allows sending bulk emails from your accounts (a maximum of 15,000 messages per day).

Split the emails

If you don’t work with newsletter managers and send bulk emails from a personal email account, you should note that most email providers distrust these types of messages. This means that if you want to send a newsletter to 1,000 people, you can’t send them all at once.

If Gmail or another email provider suddenly receives 1,000 messages all from the same account, it will automatically assume it’s Spam. This could result in those emails being sent to the Spam folder, getting rejected, or even the IP responsible for the sending might be blocked.

For these reasons, it’s recommended to split the shipments into several batches, typically between 70 and 200, depending also on your email service’s limit. Moreover, remember that most personal email accounts, like a Gmail account or our basic email account, have daily sending limits capped at 500.

Option to unsubscribe from Newsletters

If you regularly send a newsletter to your subscribers, current Data Protection laws mandate offering an unsubscribe option.

But that’s not the only reason it’s essential to provide this option to all your recipients; it also ensures that your message is correctly delivered. If a recipient wants to unsubscribe and doesn’t find this option in your newsletter, they might mark it as Spam, causing many of your other recipients to not receive the message, and it might automatically be marked as Spam.

Attachment size and avoiding Spam filters

Email clients can display and open attachments automatically. However, many email systems block these attachments as spam.

One of the main recommendations for sending large files via email is to upload the file to your hosting and attach a link for its download.

Remember that many email providers don’t accept certain types of files, such as .ZIP. This could result in your message going straight to the junk folder.

SPF record

SPF is a DNS record for your email service to indicate which servers are authorized to send emails from your domain. Not having this record is one of the main reasons your emails might end up in spam. If you don’t know how to set up this record, you can follow our guide on how to configure the SPF record for static DNS mail.

Message content

When a message reaches the recipient’s email provider, they don’t only review external data like the SPF record but also check the message’s content. In this case, the two most important points to consider are:

  • If your messages include links to your website, it’s crucial that these incorporate the HTTPS protocol. This indicates it’s a secure link protected by an SSL certificate that encrypts data between websites and browsers, preventing hackers from stealing information. This refers not only to links in the text but also any links in your message, including images and signatures.
  • Avoid or reduce the number of words that can be easily classified as spam, such as “free” or “discount.”
  • Many emails contain links to images, documents, or other content that might be considered spam. For this reason, it’s advisable to regulate the use of certain elements: programming, number of links, attached files, and different fonts.