Browsing safely: change these online habits

Browsing safely: change these online habits

In the digital age, online security has become a paramount concern. We’ve all heard about the obvious dangers: viruses, phishing, and hacker attacks. But did you know that some of your online habits could be putting your security at risk without you even realizing it?

Beyond these clear-cut risks, there are hidden threats in our daily routines that could be undermining our privacy and security. In this article, we will uncover these subtle but potentially dangerous behaviors and offer you solutions for safer browsing.

Online habits and potentially dangerous behaviors

In the digital age, online security has become a top concern. We’ve all heard about the obvious dangers: viruses, phishing, and hacker attacks. However, beyond these clear risks, there are hidden threats in our daily routines that could be undermining our privacy and security.

Leaving the computer unlocked

It’s common in our daily routine and within our online habits to take a break, get up from the desk to grab a coffee, or simply get distracted for a moment. However, if we leave our computer on and unattended, we are opening a door to potential problems.

Leaving the device unprotected may seem harmless, especially if we are in a familiar place, but it poses a real risk: unauthorized access to our files, documents, and personal information.

For this reason, the advice is to activate the automatic lock in the system settings, so that after a period of inactivity, the computer automatically locks itself.

In addition, it is essential to develop the habit of manually locking the device every time we step away, even if it’s just for a few minutes. A simple gesture like this can be the barrier that protects our privacy and security.

Not updating software regularly

In today’s digital life, we are constantly faced with notifications inviting us to update our software, whether it’s the operating system, applications, or even the drivers of our devices. However, daily routine and haste can lead us to postpone or ignore these updates, thinking they are not urgent or can wait.

This behavior, although understandable, can endanger the integrity of our devices and our information. Updates often include security patches specifically designed to fix vulnerabilities that have been discovered in the software. By not updating, we leave open a window through which threats could enter and compromise our system.

The advice is simple but vital: it is highly advisable to set up automatic updates when available. If you prefer more manual control over the process, set periodic reminders to review and apply necessary updates. Keeping our software up-to-date is one of the simplest, but also one of the most effective, steps to ensure a secure and protected digital experience.

Downloading apps

With the boom in mobile technology, apps have transformed the way we interact, work, and entertain ourselves. However, with the proliferation of apps in our online habits, there is also the temptation to download them without taking proper precautions.

We often find ourselves downloading apps without reviewing their origin or the permissions they require. This practice can lead to significant risks, such as installing malware or the theft of personal and sensitive data. Therefore, the advice is clear: it is always preferable to download apps from official stores like google play store or apple app store.

Moreover, it is vital to take a few minutes to review the permissions the app requests and, if possible, read reviews and ratings from other users. This simple routine can make the difference between maintaining a secure device and exposing it to unnecessary threats.

Accepting terms and services without reading

In the registration process for many online platforms and when installing applications, we encounter a pop-up window asking us to accept the “terms and conditions” or “terms of service.” for convenience or haste, most of us simply click on “accept” without really understanding what we are granting. This practice, although common, can have significant repercussions.

The main risk of not reading these terms is being unaware of our rights and obligations in relation to the service or application. We may be granting permissions for the use of our personal information, accepting liability limitations that are not in our interest, or even committing to certain conditions that we would not be willing to accept if we knew about them.

Given the importance of these documents, the advice is to take the time to read, at least, the most relevant sections of these terms. If the document is too lengthy, you can look for summaries or key points on the web, although it’s always better to go directly to the source. By being informed, we not only protect our rights but also avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Impulsive browsing

It’s happened to all of us: we browse the web and suddenly an eye-catching link grabs our attention. Curiosity is an intrinsic part of being human, and in the digital realm, it often leads us to browse and click on links without first validating their origin or reliability. However, behind attractive titles or unusual promises frequently lie malicious sites looking to deceive us or infect our devices.

This type of online habits exposes us to significant risks, as many of these links may lead to pages designed to install malware or carry out phishing attacks. Therefore, it’s crucial to be more cautious and thoughtful before clicking.

To further protect yourself, the advice is to use security solutions that have up-to-date databases on malware and phishing sites. These tools also typically include real-time detection mechanisms that alert about suspicious activities or potentially dangerous sites. By adopting a more informed approach and having the right tools, you can browse with confidence, knowing you are protected against the web’s hidden threats.

Saving passwords in the browser

In a world where every online service requires a password, the ability of the browser to remember and automatically fill in these details can seem like a real relief. The convenience of not having to type passwords all the time is undeniable. However, this practice, while practical, entails risks that are important to consider.

The main problem lies in the fact that if someone gains access to your device, either physically or remotely, they could have almost immediate access to all your saved accounts with little effort. Imagine the extent of the damage if someone got access to your email, social networks, or bank accounts.

In this scenario, the advice is to opt for a more secure solution: use a password manager. These tools are specifically designed to store and generate secure passwords and encrypt this information to keep it protected. Moreover, you only need to remember one master password to access all the others. This way, you can combine the convenience of having passwords at hand with the peace of mind that they are securely safeguarded.

Excessive use of social media

Social networks have become an extension of our lives, allowing us to share moments, thoughts, and connect with people from around the world. However, this comfort and openness can come at a price.

The desire to be always connected can lead us to post every detail of our lives. This constant exposure carries an associated risk: it can reveal information that could potentially be used against you.

The places you frequent or family data can provide ill-intentioned individuals a snapshot of your online habits and vulnerabilities. Therefore, it’s essential to limit what you share and take a moment to adjust the privacy settings of your accounts, ensuring that only trusted people have access to your posts.

Moreover, in the urge to share, we sometimes post without stopping to think about the long-term consequences of our content. Once on the internet, our personal data becomes permanently exposed, and what seems harmless today could be a reason for regret or problems tomorrow.

Before clicking on “post”, it’s crucial to think about the content. Ask yourself if you are comfortable with that information staying on the web indefinitely. The key is to find a balance between connectivity and privacy, ensuring that our online presence is safe and beneficial for us.


Online security is not just about facing major threats like massive attacks or large-scale data breaches. In reality, true security often lies in how we manage our online habits in the vast digital world. It’s those small actions, seemingly innocuous decisions, that can end up exposing us to unnecessary risks.

That’s why we invite you to take a moment to reflect on how you interact in cyberspace. Consider each click, each decision, each piece of information shared, and ask yourself: Is this safe? It’s crucial that we review and adjust our online behaviors to build a safer digital environment for ourselves and for those around us. After all, protecting ourselves online is a shared responsibility, and it starts with oneself.