Public IP: the address you didn’t know you had

Public IP: the address you didn’t know you had

If you’ve reached out to customer service before, they might have inquired about your public IP address. If you’re scratching your head at this term, worry not.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of public IP addresses, understanding what they are, how they work, and why they’re so vital.

What is a Public IP address?

Simply put, a public IP address is a unique identifier made up of a series of numbers assigned to every device when it connects to the Internet.

Just as your home has an address, your device has one for the internet, which is called the public IP address.

It’s worth noting that if multiple devices are connected to the same modem or router, they all share the same IP since it’s the router or modem that connects to the internet.

How does it work?

Whenever you connect to the internet, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns a public IP address to your device. This address is crucial to identify your device online and allows it to communicate with other devices.

When you visit a website, the device you’re using sends a request to the server hosting that website. In turn, the server responds by sending back the requested information to your device’s public IP address. Essentially, surfing the web is made possible because of these addresses.

As previously mentioned, the IP address is linked to your router. So, if your computer is connected through the router and your mobile phone through 5G, the IP addresses on both will differ (chances are you might even have different providers for your landline and mobile).

Why is it important?

The public IP address is essential because, without it, your device couldn’t communicate with other devices online. It’s the backbone of how the internet operates.

Remember, every action you undertake online is linked to your public IP. If you’re found sending mass spam emails, your IP could be blacklisted by antispam filters, which can cause issues.

How can you know yours?

Knowing your public IP address is crucial when troubleshooting internet connection issues or checking if you’ve been blacklisted due to spam.

To find out your public IP, simply access it via our tool:

What is my IP?

What is my IP?

You can check this site to determine your public IP anytime, from any device.

Static or dynamic IP?

There are two kinds of public IP addresses: static and dynamic.

A static IP is permanent and doesn’t change unless manually altered. While it’s beneficial for hosting servers or remote access, it’s not a necessity for the average user.

On the other hand, a dynamic IP is temporary. Assigned for a limited time, it changes every time you connect to the internet. Most people use a dynamic IP provided by their ISP. This can vary each time you connect, so if you restart your router, you might get a different IP that could have been misused, affecting your online activities.

Public vs. Private IP

While a public IP lets your device communicate with other devices online, a private IP allows it to interact with devices on your local network, like communicating between your computer and router.

A private IP is a unique identifier for each device on your local network, and it isn’t visible online. Devices on your local network communicate using their private IPs. Typically, these start with 192.168.1, with your router likely being


In essence, a public IP address is an indispensable component of the internet, enabling device communications online.

Knowing your device’s IP can be valuable, especially when resolving internet connectivity issues or addressing spam concerns.

Whether you have a static or dynamic IP, it’s crucial to grasp their differences and how they collaborate to make the internet possible.

Understanding this is fundamental in grasping how internet-connected devices operate. Now that you’re familiar with the basics, you’re one step closer to becoming tech-savvy.